Monday, July 19, 2010


Peppi Dlinnyichulok povest-skazka (in Russian)Peppi Dlinnyichulok povest-skazka by Lungina L. Lindgren A.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I heart Peppi, or Pippi, if you like. When I was in elementary school, the Soviet television version came out (1982) and to watch the premiere, i would have had to miss school. (That makes no sense to me, but is true. Perhaps, it was a case of one of those silly occasions, when a weekend was declared to begin on Friday, and all the Soviet citizenry had to put in a day of work on a Sunday following. Or maybe the anti-authoritarian streak in Peppi was deemed slightly dangerous: not quite dangerous enough to prohibit, but suspicious enough for the censorious television programmer not to grant it the primest spot.
Somehow I convinced my mother to let me stay home that day. At the time, I was just becoming friends with a prettiest girl in my class. ( at least that's how I remember her). Things weren't going well with my then girlfriend Olya, and I was eager to cultivate Oksana, who was the 'starosta' of our class (something like an honorary student, perfect grades, neatest demeanor and costuming, a model of disciplined young pioneer, who was responsible for reminding the other nine year olds to behave and to study). I lived in the old part of Baku, and every morning Oksana would come by my house, and i would take her to school always by a different route, through a different winding little alleyway, except on the day of Peppi the Movie. As I tried, leaning out the window, to blame the elaborate hoarseness of my voice on yesterday's ice cream (oh, how different from those other occasions when the real cough, initiator of a bronchitis, had to be concealed from the parents: "No,no, just choking on my saliva"), Oksana stomped her feet, and shouting like one who is being betrayed: "Liar! You just want to watch Peppi!", she raced away. That romance withered. Peppi is a zealous mistress and brooks no opposition.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Istorii iz moei sobstvennoi zhizni (in Russian)Istorii iz moei sobstvennoi zhizni by Ludmilla Petrushevskaya

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The first part, describing her childhood in the 1930s and 40s is amazing. Moody, bizarre, scandalous, terrible, touching, gripping. The rest of the book is very informative, but has a different tone.She is forever in my personal museum, (excuse me, memory palace, with refreshments, flirting, light jazz, fountains, and all, although she is also guarding some pretty wicked trap doors in there) for having helped Yury Norstein with the script for "Tale of Tales'. I like her short stories quite a bit, although I know her more recent fairy tales better than her older, more naturalistic stories. But it may be that she is most important as the playwright of 'Cinzano'. I reserve judgment until i find a volume of her drama.

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